Privacy notice

Who are we?

Pagoda Marketing is a people-focused change communications consultancy. We are a registered company limited by shares. We work to deliver more engaging and inclusive change communications. This work brings us into contact with decision makers, communication professionals, and people who design and deliver change.

We want to maintain the trust and confidence of our beneficiaries, visitors to our website, subscribers to our newsletters, attendees at our events and others whose data we hold.

This notice sets out when and why we collect your personal information, how we use it, and how we keep it secure.

You can contact us here:

Telephone: 07963 553048
Company Registration: 13001807

What information do we collect?

When you sign up for our newsletters, interact with our website, or contact us, you provide us with your information. This includes your name, email address, and other contact details, as well as your organisation and role, if applicable.

We may store records of the emails we send you and track whether you have received or opened them to ensure the delivery of relevant information.

Occasionally, individuals interested in our services may share information about their organisation, including sensitive details. We will solely use this information for our own purposes and will not share it with other organisations.

Website cookies

Like most websites, we receive and store certain details whenever you use our website. Cookies, let us remember you and what you like, and show us how we can improve our website.

Google analytics

When you visit, our website uses a service called Google Analytics to track how you use our site. By doing this, we can identify the most frequently visited areas of our site. We handle the data we collect in a way that values personal privacy.

Social media

We use social media to share messages and updates. We might respond to your comments or questions on social media. You could also come across ads from us on social media that are customised for you.

Information available publicly

This could include information from places like Companies House, your work website biography, LinkedIn profile, or articles/newspapers.


When you register for our newsletters, we will collect personal information as part of the process. This information will provide you with updates on topics you have requested. Rest assured, we do not sell our email lists to third parties. We use AWeber, an email provider, to send our newsletters. To improve our newsletters, we collect data on how many people open our emails and click on the links. For more information, please refer to AWeber’s privacy notice.


Every now and then, we like to see how we’re doing. Completing our surveys helps us improve our work. If you provide contact information, we may reach out to discuss your thoughts further.We use a survey service called Survey Monkey for our online surveys. For more information, please see Typeforms’ privacy notice.

How do we protect your data?

Every now and then, we like Personal data security is a big deal for us at Pagoda Marketing. We store all our data on our ICT servers, which Webflow and Microsoft host on the Cloud. To protect Pagoda Marketing’s networks and data, Microsoft conducts regular cyber security see how we’re doing. Completing our surveys helps us improve our work. If you provide contact information, we may reach out to discuss your thoughts further.We use a survey service called Survey Monkey for our online surveys. For more information, please see Typeforms’ privacy notice.

How do we keep your information up-to-date?

We want to make sure we have accurate information. We do this through a combination of ongoing updates of our records and larger scale but more infrequent exercises, including to remove personal information no longer needed. As part of this, we may ask you for updated personal information from time to time.

How can you access your personal information?

You have legal rights regarding your personal information. You may see, change, ask for changes, or delete your information from our records. To do so, simply email us at We will respond to your request within two weeks.

Your rights

Under UK data protection legislation, you have several rights relating to any personal data that we hold which relate to you:

- The right to find out what personal data we have about you and get a copy.
- The right to correct any inaccurate information
- The right to erase your personal data in certain cases.
- The right to withdraw your consent that you have previously provided for us to process your data
- The right to limit how your data is used in certain situations.
- The right to get a copy of your personal data in a format that someone else can use.

For more information on our use of your personal data, or to exercise any of your rights, please contact us.  

If you have concerns about our use of your personal data, please contact us first. However, you also have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office:

The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire, SK9 5AF

Telephone: 0303 123 1113


Changes to this Privacy Notice

We will review our privacy notice again in March 2025.


If you have questions about Pagoda Marketing’s data protection policy or procedures, or if you want to know what information we have about you and how we use it, please email

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