What we do

We combine planning with hands-on delivery

We can help you understand and explain the reasons for the change in a simple and relevant way. Our expertise lies in translating complicated ideas into simple terms.


We will work with you to develop your comms strategy, approach, and plan.


We excel in the ‘doing’ and can be an extra pair of reliable hands.


We don't believe in leaving abruptly. We upskill and hand-over all our works.

Change happens in conversations, so get people talking

Good communication sparks enthusiasm and gets people talking. It filters into our workplace and everyday lives. Because as humans, we are curious. We become curious about our colleagues’ thoughts and begin discussing the change ourselves. This is when the change becomes real.

Make it Easy

We reduce the ‘hassle factor’ and simplify your messages. Why? Seemingly irrelevant details can make a task more challenging and effortful.

Make it Attractive

We produce personalised and eye-catching communications. Why? People are more likely to adopt things that are known, desirable or attractive.

Make it Human

We help you communicate with authenticity, transparency and empathy. Why? Humans are social beings. We are heavily influenced by what those around us do and say.

Make it Inclusive

We create change communication that resonates with everyone. Why? We respond different to communications depending on when they are received.

To make a lasting impression, change how you talk to people.

Coming up with strategies and executing them is our specialty. Good communication is key to a successful change. That’s why we look at lots of different things when communicating:

People are more likely to read, pay attention to, and act on information they can easily understand. Good change communication is clear, concise, and actionable. We break down complex change programmes into short, bite-sized, and easy-to-understand messages – translating the complicated to simple, and the simple to engaging.  

Maintaining authenticity: Your communication needs to be credible and taken seriously. It’s about more than just broadcasting - it’s about giving an accurate view of the present and future
Tailor-made communication: It’s important to adapt your communication to the company and the people in it.
Proven and new channels: Our communication relies on a strategic blend of established and innovative channels that convey a positive message.
Using language: Every organisation has its own way of speaking that represents its culture. It’s important to include these language features in our communication, but also make conscious changes where needed. Why? Because language is also used to signal change.
Staying connected: Sharing information in different ways for different audiences just makes sense. The key is to strike the right balance of detail to maintain people’s focus without overwhelming them.
Creative and colourful: Don’t be boring when communicating the change objective. Make it creative and colourful. Thinking outside the box and incorporating your current branding can make this a reality.

Clarity isn’t easy – it is a result of focus, discipline and skill. By blending evidence and experience, we uncover game-changing insights that can influence the success of a change programme.

Make it Easy

We reduce the ‘hassle factor’ and simplify your messages. Why? Seemingly irrelevant details can make a task more challenging and effortful.

Make it Attractive

We produce personalised and eye-catching communications. Why? People are more likely to adopt things that are known, desirable or attractive.

Make it Human

We help you communicate with authenticity, transparency and empathy. Why? Humans are social beings. We are heavily influenced by what those around us do and say.

Make it Inclusive

We create change communication that resonates with everyone. Why? We respond different to communications depending on when they are received.

What good change communication looks like

People no longer respond well to generic corporate messages. They want to be acknowledged as individuals when they are told about upcoming changes that will disrupt their daily lives. Our communication approach prioritises inclusivity, collaboration, and honesty. This means we will work together with you to:

People are more likely to read, pay attention to, and act on information they can easily understand. Good change communication is clear, concise, and actionable. We break down complex change programmes into short, bite-sized, and easy-to-understand messages – translating the complicated to simple, and the simple to engaging.  

Clearly and honestly communicate changes to employees.
Be considerate when delivering news about change.
Explain the benefits of the change to your team.
Provide a clear timeline of what will happen and when.
Inform employees about the actions they need to take, using bulleted lists, bold font, and links to websites.
Create a logical and organised layout for the information.
Tailor your change management communication to the specific audience.
Establish ways to communicate both ways and get feedback

Make it Easy

We reduce the ‘hassle factor’ and simplify your messages. Why? Seemingly irrelevant details can make a task more challenging and effortful.

Make it Attractive

We produce personalised and eye-catching communications. Why? People are more likely to adopt things that are known, desirable or attractive.

Make it Human

We help you communicate with authenticity, transparency and empathy. Why? Humans are social beings. We are heavily influenced by what those around us do and say.

Make it Inclusive

We create change communication that resonates with everyone. Why? We respond different to communications depending on when they are received.

The channels we typically use to communicate

Emails are widely used, but they’re not very personal and often get ignored or lost in the inbox. Keep in mind that you are not addressing a stationary army, but a constantly moving parade. Depending on the change, we use different channels to keep repeating your story, so it sticks in your head, much like a stubborn song. Typical communication formats include:

People are more likely to read, pay attention to, and act on information they can easily understand. Good change communication is clear, concise, and actionable. We break down complex change programmes into short, bite-sized, and easy-to-understand messages – translating the complicated to simple, and the simple to engaging.  

Announcements on the intranet
Emails and newsletters
Memos from the management team
Podcasts and videos
Live Q&As, Townhalls and Drop-in sessions
Brochures and flyers
Workshops and large group events for dialogue and exchange

Do you want to learn more?

Learn more about how we do things

Get in Touch

We’d be delighted to learn about how we can help you. With clients across Europe, we’re a fully remote team, and value the flexibility of working across different time zones.


Check out our frequently asked questions, and if you don't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to us directly.

What can you help with?

Our work primarily involves proofreading, editing, writing, and designing. We can assist with non-writing tasks like strategic planning and providing critical feedback on your ideas and work. We do not offer reactive services for media enquiries or crisis communications. However, if it involves change communications and can be done remotely, we can likely help.

How quickly can you turn around requests?

We can usually complete small tasks that take an hour or two within a day or less. If you need something urgently with less than 24 hours' notice, we will do our best to deliver. We understand that unexpected situations can arise.

Do you have experience working with sensitive or confidential information?

We prioritise the security and confidentiality of client information. Several of our consultants hold Security Clearance (SC). They can use secure devices and follow the security standards that are already in place. We are also willing to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) if necessary.

Are you open to forming partnerships with other consultancies?

Yes, we often collaborate with business change consultancies to provide our services. We fit right in with your team and handle all communications on your behalf. If necessary, we will use your clients’ IT equipment and email accounts.

Can you work from our offices?

We are a remote-first organisation. This setup works for most of our activities. If you’re local or within commutable distance, we’re happy to occasionally work from your site.

Do I have a designated consultant for all my communication needs?

Yes, we believe it’s important to have one main point of contact. This helps to build trust and allows us to learn more about your organisation and your preferences.

When a project is completed, who owns the communication materials?

We believe in transparency, so we hand over all our communication materials, including working files, at the end of the project. If needed, we can also provide guidance or training to help you maintain and update the materials.

How do you price your services?

We understand that our clients have different needs and budgets, so we offer flexible pricing options. Contact us for a quotation.

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